
技术标签: UE4  游戏引擎  插件  


这篇文章讲述了如何使用UE tools 和runtime开发自己的插件。


如果你现在就想试着使用插件,可以直接观看Plugin Examples部分

Plugins Editor UI




Anatomy of a Plugin(插件剖析)





Plugin Folders


Plugin type Search path
Engine plugin /UE4 root/Engine/Plugins/My Engine Plugin/
Game plugin /My project/Plugins/My Game Plugin/


虚幻引擎通过搜索 磁盘上的.uplugin文件而找到插件。可称这些文件为插件描述符。它们是文本文件,提供关于插件的基本信息。程序运行时,插件描述符将被虚幻引擎发现后将被自动加载。查看Plugin descriptor部分以了解创建和自定义这些文件。

Code in Plugins

生成Visual Studio或XCode文件项目文件时,任何有着源文件夹的插件(*.Build.cs文件)都将被添加到项目文件中以使得更容易找到它们的源代码。当编译游戏项目时,Unreal Build Tool将自动编译这些插件。




“Public” 源文件的头文件是一个与插件模块有点不同的东西。在Public源文件夹中大多数插件模块都没有在头文件中都没有公共的业务接口,因为它们永远不会和引擎或游戏代码有直接依赖关系(静态链接)。所以通常你的Public源文件夹都是空的。但是这条规则也有几个例外:

  • 如果你的插件包含多个C++模块,并且在Public文件夹中的代码能在插件的各模块中共享。
  • 如果你正在创建一个游戏插件(不是引擎插件),并且你想让游戏与你的一个插件模块静态链接。这打破了一个插件点的概念,但是申明一个新的游戏类可以继承或直接使用的UObject类型对于插件来说通常是很有用的。引擎本身不依赖于这个插件,但游戏项目代码和内容很有可能有直接的依赖关系。
  • 如果你想使用插件发布公共接口头(public interface headers),以允许游戏代码或其他插件访问插件模块中实现的类型。这是非常少见的,一般不推荐只用这种方法,因为我们目前不打算支持一个插件直接依赖于另一个插件。

Content in Plugins




Plugins in your Game Project


如果插件中存在包含源文件夹(以及*.Build.cs文件)的模块,插件代码将被自动添加到生成的C++项目文件中,这样的话就可以很容易的在开发游戏项目的同时开发插件。当编译游戏项目时,所有存在Source的插件都讲被编译成一种游戏的合成依赖(synthetic dependency)。


Engine Plugins

UE4有一些内置的插件包含在引擎目录下。引擎插件就像你在游戏中所拥有的插件, 并且可以用于所有的游戏项目中。通常情况下,这些插件是有引擎和工具程序员提供一个类似插件的基准功能。使得用户可以删除或重写整个引擎功能而不修改任何引擎代码。



Distributing a Plugin


  1. 编辑插件描述符(.uplugin文件)并确保插件名称、模块。版本和配置所需的其他设置。
  2. 删除插件的二进制文件和中间文件夹。确保从一个干净的slate开始。
  3. 如果插件包含Source文件夹,编译Win64 Development配置版本的插件二进制文件。这个配置是PC平台加载插件总是需要的。
  4. 对于插件的Source,如果你希望支持额外的配置,例如Mac系统,所以应该建立这些。
  5. 将插件复制到工程目录外的一个新的临时文件夹中。这不是必须的,但会在这个临时文件夹中对插件进行修改。
  6. 在插件的临时目录中,删除中间目录。这些都是临时性的目录,不应该被分发。
  7. 如果插件包含源文件代码,但不想发布它,在插件的临时文件夹中删除Source文件夹即可。
  8. 在插件的临时目录中,可以删除所以不想发布的文件。
  9. 最后,插件就可以准备发布了!


  • 暂不支持发布的插件中仅包含Public头文件。所以你必须包含整个Source目录或者没有任何Source目录。我们打算在今后添加发布Public源文件(以及*.build.cs文件)的支持。
  • 我们正在调查这个过程的自动化工具。更多细节将在稍后发布。
  • 对于插件的Content,你可能希望生成派生数据包含于插件中,以避免终端用户需要它生产新的需求。但此功能尚未提供,但将在稍后添加。敬请关注。

Plugin Descriptor files


插件描述符在JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)文件格式

Descriptor File Example


      "FileVersion" : 3, 
      "FriendlyName" : "UObject Example Plugin", 
      "Version" : 1, 
      "FriendlyVersion" : "1.0", 
      "EngineVersion" : 1579795, 
      "Description" : "An example of a plugin which declares its own UObject type. This can be used as a starting point when creating your own plugin.", 
      "Category" : "Programming Examples.Plugins", 
      "Modules" : [ { "Name" : "UObjectPlugin", "Type" : "Developer" } ]

Descriptor File Format(描述符文件格式)

Field name Info Description
FileVersion Required Version of this plugin descriptor file itself. It is used for backwards compatibility as new features are added to the plugin system. You should usually set this to the latest version that is allowed by the version of the engine you are using. The latest version is currently 3, and is the version of format that is documented here. We do not expect this version to change very frequently. In source code, you can look at**EProjectFileVersion** to see the actual value. If you require maximum compatibility with older versions of the engine, then you can use an older version of the format, but it is not recommended.
Version Optional Current version number of this build of your plugin. This value should always increase with future versions. This version number is not usually displayed to end-users.
VersionName Optional Version of the plugin displayed in the editor UI. This is never used for any versioning checks and can be in whatever format you would like, however we suggest a simple Major.Minor format. You should always update the VersionName whenever the Version number has increased.
EngineVersion Optional Minimum engine version necessary to be able to load this plugin. The plugin will fail to load when installed to projects using an engine version less than the value specified here.
PackageFileUE4Version Optional Minimum package file version necessary to load content in this plugin. The plugin will fail to load when installed to projects using a package file version less than the value specified here.
PackageFileLicenseeUE4Version Optional A secondary minimum package file version necessary to load content in this plugin. The plugin will fail to load when installed to projects using a licensee package file version less than the value specified here.
FriendlyName Optional Name of the plugin displayed in the editor UI. If not specified, the name will default to the .uplugin file name.
Description Optional A paragraph of text that describes what this plugin is used for. This will be displayed in the editor’s plugin window.
Category Optional This is a special dot-separated path string that allows you to assign your plugin to a category in the editor UI. It is purely for organizational purposes. An example of a category path is “Editor Features.Level Editing.Mesh Painting”. Each category is separated by a period character and represents a deeper level in the tree.
CreatedBy Optional The individual or company name that created this plugin. This may be displayed in the plugin UI or in other locations.
CreatedByURL Optional A web link to the individual or company that created this plugin. If specified, the editor UI may display a hyperlink that allows the user to browse to this web page.
CanContainContent Optional When specified and set to true, enables Content support for this plugin. The default setting is false. See the section on Content in Plugins for more info.
Modules Optional For plugins that contain source code (and binaries), this is the list of modules that should be loaded at startup. See below for more info.


Module Descriptors


      "Name" : "UObjectPlugin", 
      "Type" : "Developer"
Field Info Description
Name Required Unique name of this plugin module that will be loaded with the plugin. At runtime, the engine will expect appropriate plugin binaries to exist in the plugin’s Binaries folder with the module name as specified here. For modules that have a Source directory, a matching *.Build.cs file is expected to exist within the module’s subfolder tree.
Type Required Sets the type of module. Valid options are Runtime, RuntimeNoCommandlet, Developer, Editor,EditorNoCommandlet, and Program. This type determines which types of applications this plugin’s module is suitable for loading in. For example, some plugins may include modules that are only designed to be loaded when the editor is running. Runtime modules will be loaded in all cases, even in shipped games. Developer modules will only be loaded in development runtime or editor builds, but never in shipping builds. Editor modules will only be loaded when the editor is starting up. Your plugin can use a combination of modules of different types.
LoadingPhase Optional If specified, controls when the plugin is loaded at startup. This is an advanced option that should not normally be required. The valid options are Default (which is used when no LoadingPhase is specified),PreDefault, and PostConfigInit. PostConfigInit allows the module to be loaded before the engine has finished starting up key subsystems. PreDefault loads just before the normal phase. Typically, this is only needed if you expect game modules to depend directly on content within your plugin, or types declared within your plugin’s code.

Icon Files


File Name Info Format Description
/Resources/Icon128.png Required 128x128 PNG file This icon represents this plugin in the editor UI. It will be displayed in the ‘Plugins’ user interface accessible from the main Window menu.

Plugin Examples


Example Name Info
BlankPlugin This plugin is an empty shell that shows the bare minimal files needed to setup a new code plugin module.
UObjectPlugin A simple empty plugin that demonstrates how to declare your own UObject class.
  1. 复制一个实例插件到一个新的文件夹中,重命名目录、文件和代码内容以匹配新的插件名称。不然的话会与内置的插件包括引擎发生冲突。

  2. 在游戏项目目录创建一个“Plugins”文件夹,然后复制插件的所有子目录到“Plugins”目录下。

  3. Rebuild你的C++项目文件。插件模块和源代码将出现在工程目录下的一个目录中。

  4. 通常编译游戏项目,UBT将检测到插件,并将它们编译为游戏项目的依赖关系!

  5. 启动编辑器(或游戏),你的插件将被禁用,但你可以在编辑界面中打开它。

  6. 打开插件编辑器(Windows –> Plugins),搜索你的插件,Enable它

  7. 重新启动编辑器。你的插件将在启动时自动加载。

在Window -> Developer工具菜单下你可以看到被加载的插件。另一个方式是使用代码调试器在插件启动代码中设置断点,例如在FBlankPlugin::StartupModule()中设置断点.

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